Bhiri Shah Rahman is a village in Punjab, Pakistan, 40 km west of Gujranwala. The tomb of Shah Abdul Rahman (death 1115 A.H) (Darbar Shah Rahman), built about 1700, is located in the village. The name of the village (Bhiri Shah Rahman) is associated with this sacred name due to his tomb.
It is a beautiful village. The shrine of the great Sufi name Shah Abdul Rahman is the reason it’s called Bhiri Shah Rahman village. The word Bhiri means “Gathering of people”. All people here worship one Allah Almighty. They all believe in TOUHEED “Oneness”. People come here to purify their souls and pray to Allah to guide them, as You guided the noble saint people like Shah Abdul Rahman. Noted personalities of this village are: Allama Ghulam Rasool Rashidi, Muhammad Siddiq Mistari, Hafiz Muhammad Haneef and Salahuddin Haneef.
Some famous restaurants near Darbar Hazrat Bhiri Shah Rehman
Open 9AM – 10PM.
Open 24/7.
Open 9AM – 5PM.
Some famous hotels near Darbar Hazrat Bhiri Shah Rehman
 Banks near Darbar Hazrat Bhiri Shah Rehman
Some famous shopping marts near Darbar Hazrat Bhiri Shah Rehman